Burlesque themed events!
As the wedding season approaches, the night-time city streets become filled with gaggles , or should I say giggles of hens enjoying their last moments of singledom. Tradition dictates that hens go out on the town dressed in Claire’s accessories finest hen night attire and proceed to get silly on cheeky vimto’s and any cocktail with a suggestive name. In recent years however tradition has been broken and ladies have take a more modern approach, booking spa days, activity weekends and even mini breaks. Brillianttrips.co.uk is the perfect site for booking such an occasion. They are an independent travel operator specialising in tailor-made trips in the UK and abroad for groups of up to 200 people. You can choose from a pre made package or tailor your own to accommodate your groups needs. A particularly popular choice amongst their customers and a craze just hitting the south coast is Burlesque trips. Hosted in the south's trendy gay central, Brighton, the pre made package offer...